Digg Uproar: What's Next For Digg?
Is the Digg Smackdown upon us? Last week Digg banned anywhere from 150 to 0ver 600 of it's members and the effects of the shake up is spreading far and wide across the net. Mixx, Propeller, Sphinn and other social sites all have had postings concerning this. The Blogosphere is on fire with blogs concerning the Digg Bannings.
On Get Smart Girl's Blog, she began a list of "Our Fallen Digg Comrades", I will upload this list here, which contains names not on her list, for her to steal whenever she wishes. Let us take a moment to reflect upon these "fallen comrades" ( You can imagine someone reading the names to a mild drum beat as you scroll by):
# Digg Handle
1 1greenthumb
2 1LittleScout
3 1only
4 AdamBomb
5 Adecruza
6 AKittenOne
7 AKPwnz
8 AKShay1409
9 Ameologger
10 amigoro
11 anchalsingh
12 antifederalist
13 Angel1379
14 arewhyfour
15 ArnoldPettibone
16 ArnoldPettybone
17 Awesomeintheory
18 axemantitan
19 Babblin5
20 BCCStu
21 bcuban
22 bennygreenberg
23 bestdamntech
24 bgholt1970
25 bigtimenerd
26 BornReady
27 broalexinfo
28 bubashelili
29 BuzzDiggity
30 cGt2099
31 chocfever212
32 claybodie
33 complicious
34 cuzzy
35 CyberPhoenix
36 DeathWish808
37 dechsiri
38 DiffeeOnline
39 diggamer
40 Diggboss
41 diggchairman
42 diggrnumber1
43 diggthiscrap
44 disco1stu
45 effektz
46 emobrat
47 emcelettronica
48 erichansa
49 ernesto99
50 erwin74
51 explicitmemory
52 fangsinmybread
53 felix118
54 Fizban30
55 funkyjenn
56 game-hawg
57 GeorgeCarlin
58 getsmartgal
59 GiantRiverOtter
60 gigamegater
61 Gutspiller
62 hubfriends
63 icupcake
64 jasonkeath
65 joey86
66 joyntheir
67 jstroh
68 karjosh
69 KevinFederline
70 kianat
71 kickoff22
72 kloop10
73 koolbreeze
74 kristenmunson
75 kylerannell
76 linkedList
77 lithiumplus
78 livingstrong
79 loky
80 lordhuggington
81 lukadium
82 macsken
83 mad5
84 masternajee
85 MasterOfHyrule
86 mattgup
87 mattman12345
88 mazerstar
89 mcatrage
90 michaelwong38
91 michDdot
92 MicleMihai
93 misanthropegirl
94 mobiledigg
95 MrB398
96 mrbabymin*
97 mydigga
98 mynamefat
99 Mythos
100 nattyb
101 neiltc13
102 noname94
103 nousemerk
104 0Boy
105 ojames
106 0livertaco
107 orlando69
108 persisting1
109 polymath22
110 raejak
111 rainfosys
112 rareblue
113 rocket99
114 rockontop
115 rocr69
116 russvirante
117 ShemDaimwood
118 Sh0rtstack
119 skewl
120 snipehack
121 sportscrzy33
122 srhadden
123 stejules
124 stephie189
125 superman7018
126 SurplusAMMO
127 tacostacos
128 taliarose
129 tazzahall
130 terminalcode
131 th13teen
132 theeandrew
133 TheKidd
134 therealduckie
135 therebelsells
136 thomasghenry
137 throattoritoise
138 tneilen
139 toughluck1
140 toxicking9
141 TreeNinja
142 tweez
143 uscfan
144 v666
145 VikingoTJ
146 Vincenzo
147 webaddict
148 Wiinii
149 Zaibatsu**
150 zoomtechtv***
Please Note:
* Mr. Babymin - I've never heard of Mr. Babymin, could the creator of that particular list have meant Mr. BabySaleem? I have noted MrBabySaleem is MIA as well. If these are not the same person, then the list has 151 Banned Diggers.
** Zaibatsu - Zaibatsu was not banned for using scripts, he was banned for allegedly linking to a spam page.
*** ZoomTechTV - ZTTv was not banned by Digg, instead he wrote Digg and asked to have his account closed, apparently in protest of the banning of the 81 users.
Summary in a nutshell:
1. There were over 150 Bannings by Digg over the past week. Some reports says up to 600 people were banned.
2. There were 77 Top 1000 users, according to the Social Blade Site, banned. Only 5 of those Top 1000 users banned were in the Top 100.
3. There were 73 Non-Rated users banned.
4. There is a possibility that one, or more, of the banned Diggers had multiple accounts. An example of this is ArnoldPettibone and ArnoldPettybone.
Concerning Privacy Issues:
This information is all pretty much in the public domain, plus the fact that the personal privacy of the person owning the handle is not compromised. The use of handles on sites are pretty much anonymous and the handle could belong to anyone -- even Kevie Rose. :)
Sources used:
Two main sources were used in the gathering of this information:
SocialBlade's Top 1000 Diggers
"The Grim Reaper Visits Digg"
Other Sources:
Digg Bans Users
Digg Uproar: Digg Bans Zaibatsu
Digg Uproar: Attack on MrBabyman and Blind Digging
"Stop the Madness!": Digg Buries Out of Hand
"I was banned from Digg and for a pretty lame reason"
"Digg User Zaibatsu banned because of me"
Digg Uproar: Zaibatsu Banned by Digg
Digg Uproar: The Rebirth of Zaibatsu
The Digg Uproar Saga: Mr. Babyman and Blind Digging cited as Culprits
Another Digg Uproar
Zaibatsu banned from Digg
Labels: Digg Bannings, Digg Uproar, Grim Reaper Visits Digg, Zaibatsu Banned