Racists and Bigots
The Definition of Prejudice, which we are interested in, for the purposes of this entry is:
Prejudice: an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
The Definition of Racism, which we are interested in, for the purpose of this entry is:
Racism: racial prejudice or discrimination Note: Racial means based on a race.
The Definition of Bigoty, which we are interested in, for the purposes of this entry is:
Bigotry: the acts or beliefs characteristic of a bigot Note: A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
It is the rare person who can not be classified as a Racist or Bigot by someone, this opinion may derive from one's words or actions. If you are honest and sit down, with an open mind, and pay strict attention to the things you have said or done and you may even say "That was pretty prejudicial of me to do, say or think that!". This leaves the question of "Does this make me a Racist or Bigot?".
Even the most honest and fair of us will sometimes say or do things which are not exactly considered as Politically Correct. We may do it knowingly, or it may be caused by us not knowing that something we say is really Racist or Prejudicial by it's original intent. The original meaning of some things we have grown accustomed to saying have lost their original meaning over the years and have become acceptable to say.
Does it make the things we say, which may hurt another, right? The answer is No, but it also does not make the things we have grown accustomed to say wrong either. They often just are.
The real world is give and take, our rights work for all of us. Just as a person should be reasonably respectful of your rights, you should be reasonably respectful of theirs. This means we sometimes have to overlook somethings said or done for the common good, or the ability to try to get along. A person really should step outside our own personal boxes, which we created, and ask "Does this person intend any real malice by what he or she said?". Sometimes a pleasant discussion over ways of speaking will bring about some insight to such comments.
Out near Phoenix, a few years back, there was a place called "Spook Hill". History tells us that "Spook Hill" was named because back in the 1800s and early 1900s, the place was given the name because horses and cattle became "Spooked" or "Scared" whenever they went through the area. In the 90s a big push was to change the name, and it was brought out that "Spook" was a derogatory name for a Black Person. Even though this was true during the 60s and 70s in some parts of the eastern US, it was not true for the Phoenix Area back when the hill was named.
Discussions over the name caused some people to see the truth, however the ones with the agenda to change the name of the place pressed their message and caused the name-change to occur at the expense of the taxpayer. The only Racism and Bigotry in the name of Spook Hill was in the minds of those wishing to change the name of the hill.
This is an example of how even people claiming not to be racist can prove to be racist. Their prejudices overshadowed the facts of the case.
Another thing to think about is "Racial Profiling". Over the past couple decades we have been conditioned to think anything with the word "Race" applied to it is automatically wrong. Is it really? Stop and think. If you are beaten to a pulp by 3 white guys, do you really want to see a Black Man or Hispanic punished? Most people don't, they simply want to see the ones who did harm to them held liable for their crimes.
Now take the case of Muslim Terrorists. The US was attacked by Muslim Terrorists. Osama Bin Laden was shown to have admitted to being a part of this, as was the Al Quaida. Even if you don't believe this, an honest person can not disregard that Muslim Terrorists Groups threaten America and other countries with Terrorism. Now who should the Law Enforcement Agencies look for in their attempts to try to stop another 911? Should they bring in Chinese or Orientals and grill them about Muslim Terrorist Threats? Should Hispanics head the watch lists at our airport security checkpoints, just to allow Mid-eastern people breeze on by? You choose for yourself, but it does seem much wiser to keep an eye on the ones most liely to be the ones you are looking for.
When dealing with the concept of Racism and Bigotry, one needs to not submit to the emotional and think rationally. Not everything is as it seems, or as some group projects them to be. Sometimes our reactions to what we think is Racial and Bigotted only reflects our own particular brand of prejudice.
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